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Facial Services at Wood Aesthetics in Gilbert


At Wood Aesthetics Health and Wellness, we are dedicated to providing you with rejuvenating facials that offer numerous benefits for your skin. Our facials are designed to stimulate blood flow under the skin, which, in turn, can help reduce puffiness and fluid buildup caused by our lymphatic system.

Good circulation plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy and radiant skin. When blood circulates effectively, it brings a wealth of benefits to your skin:

  1. Oxygenation: Proper blood circulation ensures that your skin receives an ample supply of oxygen. Oxygen is essential for cell renewal and rejuvenation, helping your skin look fresh and vibrant.

  2. Nutrient Delivery: Blood carries essential nutrients, vitamins, and proteins to your skin cells. These nutrients nourish your skin, promoting a healthy complexion and assisting in the repair and regeneration of damaged cells.

  3. Toxin Removal: Efficient circulation is vital for flushing out toxins and waste products from your skin. By aiding in the removal of these impurities, our rejuvenating facials help your skin maintain its natural glow and clarity.

  4. Reduced Puffiness: By addressing fluid buildup, our facials can reduce puffiness and swelling, leaving your skin looking more toned and youthful.

Our rejuvenating facials are carefully designed to enhance your skin's health and appearance by promoting optimal blood circulation. We invite you to experience the transformative effects of our services, as we work to revitalize your skin and help you achieve a more radiant and youthful complexion.


Best Cheap Facials in Gilbert at Wood Aesthetics

Unsure which chemical peel to book? Schedule here! We will always assist with selecting the perfect peel to fit your needs!

Our "summer peel". The Pro Clinical Peel is a superficial chemical peel. This peel is a clinically proven blend of acids and antioxidants for a fresh, more youthful appearance. This peel is light and can be done every 2 weeks. This is a perfect summer peel.

Pro Clinical Peel $110 each or 3 for $300

A HydroJelly Mask is a gel-like facial mask that offers a wide range of advantages for your skin, including hydrating, smoothing, moisturizing, cleansing, exfoliating, conditioning, toning, and alleviating inflammation. These masks contribute to enhancing skin health and preventing pore congestion.

Add to any facial service for $20

Dermaplaning is an exfoliating procedure that entails delicately using a medical-grade scalpel to softly scrape the face's outermost layer of skin. This method effectively eliminates both dead skin cells and the fine, soft vellus hairs, commonly referred to as peach fuzz, resulting in an exceptionally smooth facial surface.

Add to any facial service for $20

Skin Treatment Wood Aesthetics
Wood Aesthetics Health and Wellness Google Reviews

What is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical peels are a cosmetic procedure designed to rejuvenate the skin by removing damaged outer layers, promoting smoother texture, reducing scarring, and eliminating blemishes. They come in three distinct types, each offering varying levels of intensity: alphahydroxy acid (AHA), trichloroacetic acid (TCA), and phenol. The strength of the peel is personalized to suit our client's unique needs, and it can be combined with complementary treatments to further enhance skin appearance. 

How long does a Chemical Peel Treatment Take?

We book the appointment time for one hour to ensure we have enough time to answer any of your questions, and ensure we can provide you with ample time for the treatment.

What can I expect from the Chemical Peel Procedure?

The Chemical Peels Procedure for TCA or phenol peels, the skin is first thoroughly cleansed before the chemical solution is applied, which may lead to a brief stinging sensation. In the case of a phenol peel, petroleum jelly or waterproof adhesive tape may be applied post-peel. In contrast, an AHA peel involves skin cleansing and solution application without the need for post-peel ointments or covering.

Are there any side effects from Chemical Peels?

Side Effects of Chemical Peels following a phenol or TCA peel, patients may experience tingling, throbbing, reddened skin, crust formation or scabbing, and significant swelling, which can persist for up to a week, depending on the peel's strength. In the case of a phenol peel, initial swelling may lead to temporarily swollen eyes, requiring a liquid diet and minimizing talking. Any tape applied is usually removed within a day or two. AHA peels can cause transient stinging, redness, irritation, flaking, or crusting. It's crucial to shield the skin from sun exposure after a chemical peel for optimal results and recovery.

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